Sunday, 17 November 2013

Fortnight ending 16th November

Two weeks in one today as I have been unwell in between and was not able to update my blog. So calling on my little grey cells now to recall two weeks ago !!

I could not forget my first ever attempt at a giant cupcake, I also made my Christmas cake(s), I made 12 small individual cakes and used the rest of the mix to make a loaf shaped Christmas cake in the smaller of my two 2 lb loaf tins. I did forget to take a photo of the loaf tin cake before packing it away for storage (and brandy adding of course) but will post pictures once its marzipaned and iced.

I  had also made some small fairy cakes accompanied by my grandson, Max, plus a large loaf of bread.

Now this week is was all about the little cakes and some new recipes. I made some mini coffee and walnut sponges, some lovely ginger and cinnamon cupcakes plus some lemon cupcakes topped with a creamy lemon buttercream and sugar nibs. No biscuits this week as I had less time, having been out of action for about 9 days  

First of all my very first giant cupcake in stages 

Now my loaf

crust looks a little wonky but it was all fine when cut and eaten !    

Then the fairy cakes made with help from Max age 2 3/4

And now for the mini Christmas cakes- looking forward to decorating these.. they are actually darker than they look in the photo - probably too much light on them or the wrong angle, need to improve my photography skills !!

Now the mini coffee and walnut sponges

Followed by the lemon topped cupcakes

and finally the ginger and cinnamon cupcakes - they look pretty ordinary but the taste is wonderful, especially if you are a fan of ginger as I am.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Fortnight ending 2nd November

As I only did a little baking last week due to time constraints I have included those in with this weeks. Last week I made a lemon drizzle tray bake and of course the obligatory oat and raisin cookies (I now make these every week!! but I will try and vary the biscuit theme from time to time with other types of cookies and biscuits). 

Then this week I have made a white loaf, some banana and blueberry muffins, some cupcakes topped with a lovely lilac butter-cream plus maltesers (left over from the trick or treat box, and a country farmhouse fruit cake topped with some of my supply of sugar nibs, this cake was done for Philip's birthday. I also made an apple and blackberry crumble and of course another batch of those cookies!!!

Last weeks first - cookies

Then the lemon drizzle traybake

Now onto this week and first of all the white loaf

quickly followed by banana and blueberry muffins

and cupcakes

not forgetting the required element of cookies

next was the apple and blackberry crumble

and finally the country farmhouse fruit cake - which was too big for my container so I had to divide it between two, so I can also show a picture of the inside