First I will post the things I have made up to and including Easter weekend which includes a white loaf, a granary loaf, some vanilla cupcakes topped with fondant icing, a cake made using no fat but with the fruit soaked in tea overnight, oat and raisin cookies, some rice krispy/mars bar Easter nests (helped by young Max), a batch of mini Victoria sponges duly decorated with mini eggs (for Easter of course) and another batch of mini Victoria sponges minus the eggs this time
First the two loaves
Then the vanilla cupcakes topped with fondant icing - I acquired a neat little rolling pin at the big cake show which makes lovely flower patterns in the icing, this was my first attempt using it
Next the fruit cake which is lovely as it is warm from the oven ;-) but when cold is also lovely spread with butter
Oat and raisin cookies
Hmmm these went before I could take a picture - Max and I made 12!!
Mini Vics part 1
Mini Vics part 2
That took us to Easter
Since then I have made a white loaf, chocolate brownies with rolos, choca mocha cupcakes, a vanilla birthday sponge recipe from Jo Wheatley's book A Passion for Baking topped with mini eggs, some little fairy cakes made with Max's help, a granary loaf, chocolate peppermint cupcakes and another batch of...... yes that's right - oat and raisin cookies
Sponge :-)
Choca Mocha cupcakes
Fairy cakes
Granary loaf
Chocolate peppermint cupcakes
And finally the cookies
I am at home this week so may be experimenting (or if this nice weather lasts I might not) TTFN