Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Week ending Sunday 5th May

Another busy week when I have made a plaited loaf, a dozen white soft rolls, tried out a new (and very successful) way of doing the butter-cream for my sponge cake (duly decorated and mostly eaten by the day nursery girls ;-), banana and blueberry cupcakes, Anzac cookies and honeycomb bars too. phew, wipes brow.....

So here we go with some photos...

Plaited loaf from dough stage to baked loaf - it was very light and a lovely loaf, definitely doing this one again

Soft white rolls - need to find some proper parchment paper, or may flour the grease-proof paper first as two or three did stick very slightly to the paper, but it didn't deter from the taste and they were wonderful for egg and bacon brunch - photo of brunch also attached ......

Sponge cake next - before and after chocolate topping!

Banana and blueberry cupcakes

Anzac cookies

and finally (for last week anyway)

Honeycomb bars - 

I am now busy reading through my many, many cookbooks to see what I can make this weekend :-). As mentioned before, if anyone would like any of the recipes posted please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. That plaited loaf was delicious and so easy!!
    I now have Joanne Wheatley's new book Home Baking so I will be attempting the Anzac biscuits and Honeycomb bars :) x
