Monday, 11 March 2013

Monday 11th March - and very cold

Good afternoon from a very cold Exeter today - I have decided to have a mini bake day today and its flapjacks and chocolate chip muffins on the menu today  (muffins from a different recipe this time)  and Jo's work place will be the beneficiary of them - or at least most of them!! after all they do need some quality control checking first ;-)

Right, first the ingredients photos


and flapjacks

 now the photos after baking



The round ones were made in a 12 hole cake tin, small cakes not muffin sized, and 1/2 the mixture then had raisins added and I cooked that portion in the square tin, its been cut into two portions and those portions divided into 4 each, still waiting for them to cool before lifting out of the tin.  Might have to eat that large spreading one in the bottom right hand corner - bit untidy to give away don't you think??

Right time for a cuppa I think and some sampling needs to be endured......


  1. How did you get on with the sampling? It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!
    They all look yummy - particularly impressed with your flapjack as I'm never very successful with that... X

  2. Sampling went well, not sure how it went for my weight this week though!!
